What is the most common letter in peoples names?

Carson Ashby
2 min readJan 8, 2021


I started this project curious about the relationship between individual letters in names and went on a search to find out.

I located data of the most common 2000 names from 2019, and did some data manipulation to get it into a usable state. I had to convert the data from a google spreadsheet into a pandas dataframe, and then count the number of times each letter appeared. My result was this pie chart, as well as some very interesting pieces of info that I did not expect.


The second least common letter was F of all things
Another thing that surprised me was N being the most common consonant

In conclusion, a large majority of the data was as expected, with vowels being dominating, and letters like q, x , and z being at the lowest. This data raises the question of is there a large difference in male names versus female names, and the frequency of letters in that situation.

The Notebook I used to make this

